
Acadia University LipSync Buildathon

A project log for LipSync

An assistive tech which allows quadriplegics to use touchscreen mobile devices using a mouth-operated joystick with sip and puff controls

makers-making-changeMakers Making Change 01/25/2018 at 19:250 Comments

On February 1st, we will be in Wolfville, Nova Scotia for the Acadia University LipSync Buildathon. This the first-ever LipSync Buildathon in Atlantic Canada, so we're quite excited.

A student working on a LipSync

A West Island College student working on a LipSync during our buildathon with STEM Learning Lab in Calgary in December

Around 20 Acadia University students will build LipSyncs for people with disabilities as part of Accessibility Week at the university. Learn more and register on the Eventbrite page.

When: Thursday, February 1st, 9am - 4pm

Where: Acadia University, Sheldon L. Fountain Learning Commons, 26 Crowell Road, Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R6


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