
Buildathons and More Buildathons

A project log for LipSync

An assistive tech which allows quadriplegics to use touchscreen mobile devices using a mouth-operated joystick with sip and puff controls

makers-making-changeMakers Making Change 04/26/2018 at 17:390 Comments

We at Makers Making Change are happy to announce some upcoming buildathons. We have an exciting (and exhausting) list of events planned for May, June, and July. 

Completed LipSyncs at the TELUS Vancouver Buildathon in 2017

Here’s a sneak peek at the ones in May:

May 4: Buildathon in Calgary
May 12: Buildathon in the Okanagan
May 14: BC Tech Summit LipSync Buildathon
May 22: Laser-cut keyguard workshop in California
May 25: Buildathon in Vancouver
May 28: Buildathon in Victoria

Save these dates! We'll share more details over the upcoming weeks. We are looking forward to collaborating with makers all over North America as we build devices that help people with disabilities.

PS: This Saturday, April 28th, we will be in Philadelphia for the NextFab Accessibility Hackathon during Philly Tech Week 2018. Pop by and say hi if you’re in the area.


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