
Cleaning Up

A project log for SS Minnow - 8-bit Game Console

Building an 8-bit game console based off of the 6502 and an ATMega 162 (for advanced I/O) .

trappermcferrontrapper.mcferron 05/25/2018 at 05:280 Comments

Now that the PCB worked, I decided to take a quick breather and do some cleanup.  I ordered a DB9 connector and a connector for the gfx adapter which will be used for the graphics expansion board (I'll be starting on that next).

I circled both of them in yellow...

Much cleaner now!  Also, it's more sturdy - I no longer worry a wire will just pop off.  I also used this opportunity to add a socket for the LED light so it's not directly soldered into the board.

Next up will be to pause this and start on the graphics board!
