
Next video coming soon!

A project log for PyPPM: A Proton Precession Magnetometer for all!

A device for conducting Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments at Earth's field

bradley-worleyBradley Worley 09/04/2014 at 02:560 Comments

With the ATmega32U4 chips in my possession, it's time to do one final error check on the current PyPPMv2r1 board and order some boards and components. Exciting!

Truthfully, every time I order a new board, I feel like I'm missing some mistake. Imagine that feeling you get leaving the house for a long trip, multiplied many-fold. Yeah. :)

On the video front, the plan is now to post a substantially longer video on Friday or Saturday, or both. I'll cover basics of NMR, PPM's, design of the PyPPMv1, and new features in the PyPPMv2. But it's definitely gonna be a weekend thing; the day job cramps my video making schedule...
