
Ultimate text editor

A project log for Silly software wishlist

Motivation to do some software projects by writing them down.

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 05/25/2024 at 01:471 Comment

Late in the text editor game to be sure, but lions have been using nedit for 30 years now.  It has limitations & bugs, manely a tendency to open multiple instances of itself to edit the same file.  Then there's no way to copy the filename to the clipboard.  It's always a pain to make it apply C++ style comments.  It's a pain to switch between tabs & emulated tabs.

The mane thing lions need is a way to invoke an editor inside lxc-attach, ssh, xterm, serial terminal, adb, & automatically detect if it already has an editor instance for the file.  The editor would then have 1 instance for each file, no matter where the file was opened.  If the file wasn't on a local filesystem, the editor would communicate with the client through the terminal it was invoked on.  For a serial terminal & ADB it would need a special terminal program & ADB hack which could multiplex messages with console characters.  Ssh has ways of tunneling sidechannel data.  Everything inside LXC is in a /var/lib/lxc directory.

Maybe it would rely on a table of mount points to detect equivalent files, then always assume ssh, serial terminal, & ADB were not accessing any local mount points.


MasterOfNull wrote 09/13/2024 at 03:14 point

You can open 'screen' with permissions to allow connection to open connections. Then do what you will with the sideband control including taking over the session, triggering on text/events, sending files right over the session, etc.  On topic, I use gVim.  It alerts on multiple copies of the same open file provided you have some temp directory writable.

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