
Yun Support and Hangouts

A project log for Neotype: Haptic Computing

Communication platform: Text can be felt, as it is expressed

paulbeaudetPaul_Beaudet 07/09/2014 at 15:400 Comments

With an Arduino Yun from

 I have started to build a wearable prototype. Still in the process of making a compatible version of the code, which for a short while, before adding connected functionality will work with all 32u4 based Arduinos. So far I really surprised how such different approaches can be taken to various IoT development boards like the Yun and Sparkcore. More details in the future.

Part of the reason that I got excited about the hack-a-day prize was the prospect of connecting with people that have similar passions about hardware and interface. So I like to ping folks that might want to talk about these things. Have found video chats to be to be much more interactive and productive for learning new things than forums or emails. If this interest you or you have questions about neotype in general please reach-out @inof8or (twitter, gmail) PaulBeaudet (facebook, gPlus). 
