More testing to be done.
- characterize a single point load cell
- characterize a 5 kg kitchen scale with those four strain gauges on its feet
- acquire correlated measurements with the precision multimeter and HX711 via SPI
- characterize drift over temperature (fridge vs. room temperature)
load cycles: 24h loaded to 100% nominal load, then 24h recovery
temperature cycles: RT (as part of the 24h no-load phase), fridge, RT (~12h each)
seems like now is the time to hook up SPI.
No precision voltage sources will be used this time because HX711 supplies the reference voltage and the measurement scaled to AVDD.
ps. single point cell - temperature drift
The single point cell sense voltage drift looks pretty much the same as that of the 5 kg scale elements one.
pps... some time later....
Let's look at the data again, but this time both dividing the sense voltage by the excitation voltage and then normalizing it to the starting value to display drift.
Let's also revisit the prior long dataset with just the 5 kg scale:
Heh Sensepeek, bet you didn't see that coming.
I'm beginning to feel what it must have been like to set up the pitch drop experiment.
ppps. waking up at night
it appears I mistakenly closed the console window running the logging application when going to bed. However I woke up around 330h and found, as one does, the measurement to be terminated. A restart was in order - but I forgot about the scale switching off again. Hello, 25-30 µV offset. One might as well just discard the initial chunk of data.
Fuzzy trends:
Maybe I'll just.. hold on a a sec...
there, I just removed the kitchen scale (01) from the top of the multimeter around 1534442178.2930505. The single point cell can stay there because it's mostly thermally decoupled from the instrument and in convective exchange with the room air.
The scale is again back to sleep to keep the measurements compatible with prior ones.
This will have to end, one way or another ;-)
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