
In case you were wondering what I'm trying to do...

A project log for The Metabolizer

A living recycling center that eats trash and sunshine and poops recycled plastic objects

sam-smithSam Smith 10/26/2021 at 01:570 Comments

[UPDATE 10/21/2021 -After 2018 I started posting my updates on my Patreon page, and so I'm filling in the back-logs for this project retroactively so the whole story is in both places. You can also read all of these posts with their original photo formatting here]

I just applied for a Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowship, which is a goal I have been working towards for many years. To do that, I had to submit a 5 minute-or-less video, making a pitch for what I'm doing. It ends up being the most succinct and complete overview of my work so far and what I'm working towards, and while it's a little clunky, I'm quite proud of it!

This month was a month of trial and error, and I got the 3D printer mounted onto the lift gate of the Magic Tool Bus, and is now fully deployable! At SOAK, I set it up and attempted to 3D print cups from trash, and it almost worked!

Next month will see the Assembly of my Version 3 print head for printing HDPE, and more experiments on what I can make with it! Thank you for support!

