
Embedded Linux

A project log for Hardware-orientated mesh networks

Our attempts to create a mesh network, plug-'n'-play product.

connorwood71connorwood71 06/19/2014 at 15:300 Comments

Now that we've decided on an embedded ARM computer running Linux, we need to decide on what ARM chip to use, and build a system image for it. For this, we need to know how large the load is, and for a given chip, if Linux has been ported. As was previously stated, the maximum load will be around the 2400kframe/s mark. So, about 2.4 million routing operations need to happen, per second. Of course, the chances of running the network flat-out like that are low, especially for our tests, so it won't matter too much if we can't get the full 2400. This is only a prototype, and we live by the philosophy of getting things working first, then making them work well.

Using all of this, we converged to the ARM926 processor, although we have not yet decided on the specific chip to use. From there, we can now generate an image, and test it using QEMU. This involves a number of steps, as I shall outline below.

The first thing that is needed is a compiled kernel. To get this, a full GNU toolchain (minus GLibC) is needed. Therefore, we need to first download GCC 4.9.0, and Binutils 2.24, the latest version at the time of writing. Now, we need to compile them, for ARM. After much web scouring, I found a set of what seemed like comprehensive tutorials. They were slightly out of date, however that shouldn't matter too much. I started with Binutils, as was stated, by first making a usr directory in the projects folder, to host all of this, then switching to the binutils directory and running:

# mkdir binutils-build

# cd binutils-build

# export TARGET=arm-linux

# export PREFIX=ProjDir/usr

# ../binutils-2.19.1/configure --target=$TARGET -prefix=$PREFIX --disable-nls --disable-werror

# make

# make install

All worked fine, and I had myself a brand new local Binutils installation. Great! Now, for GCC. I did something similar (changing the configure options slightly), only to receive errors. Apparently, this variant of the ARM archiecture isn't supported any longer. Back to the drawing board. After much googling, I found that the TARGET tuple was wrong - outdated, in fact. Damn. So much for the age of the doc I was using not mattering. Changing $TARGET to arm-none-eabi, I recompiled Binutils, then GCC. It worked fine this time, thankfully, but little did I know, there was more to come.

Now, I downloaded the Linux 3.15.1 sources. Starting by adding my new binaries to the $PATH, I configured the kernel, starting by setting CROSS_COMPILER to arm-none-eabi- and setting it to build as embedded. Upon making it, I received several complaints from my newly minted, fresh out of the oven, compiler, that several flags were not recognized. One of these indicated something to do with MMX, which indicated that the kernel was trying to build as x86. More Googling, and I exported $ARCH=arm. A few more configuration changes, and it works again. We have a kernel image.

Now, upon trying to boot this image, nothing would happen. I reconfigured QEMU, trying all the permutations of options I could think of, and got nothing. Looking back in my configuration of the kernel, and I had the platform set to ARMv6, whereas my chosen processor architecture was ARMv5TE. A few changed variables and we were off again. Sort of. Getting further than last time, it still wouldn't boot. It was around then I noticed the option for ARM Versatile (which was the machine I was using to test, in QEMU). Setting this, it finally booted, giving me a nice error about how it wasn't able to find any root directory, and couldn't find an init process to start. Success!


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