
Small, but meaningful progress

A project log for TOME - Portable 3D Printer

Portable and self contained FDM 3D printer designed to be the ideal tool for field hospitals short on supplies and nomadic engineers alike.

philip-ian-haasnootPhilip Ian Haasnoot 06/24/2014 at 05:170 Comments

I unfortunately had to drive 12 hours away this weekend for a family emergency and couldn't get much done on the TOME this weekend. However upon my arrival back home I found that my Pololu order had arrived containing the remaining NEMA 14 stepper motors, the second NEMA 8 Stepper, and the optical end stop sensors. 

Here you can see an optical sensor installed, there will be one sensor for each axis (The other stop will be software, the TOME will home on each print) with one sensor to detect that the filament is present in the extruder. 
