
Some extra info about the build

A project log for Raspberry Pi Console

Simple RPi 3 console running Retropie.

lumorLumor 09/25/2016 at 21:020 Comments

I made this in a few days. I didn't really plan it like my previous projects(which can be seen by the many unused holes in the PVC on the inside) because this is a fairly simple project.

I made the case from PVC and clear polycarbonate i got leftover from my gameboy project. The clear polycarbonate is used to light up the edge of the case, there are 4 bright blue leds inside to illuminate the clear plastic.

The LEDS turn on at the same time as the LED inside the button.

The entire insides can be removed from the case in one pull, this allows me to easily fix or replace things (like when there's a new RPi) if needed.

That's all there's to say about this project, like i said; it's nothing spectacular but it's really nice to have.
It's not just a console, i can swap the SD card and instantly make it into a mediaplayer, small desktop computer or maybe even a server of some kind.
