
Always Waiting

A project log for Wireless PIR's + Controller for PTZ Camera

A cheap open-source 4ch wireless ptz alarm controller

dannyritchiedannyritchie 06/21/2014 at 09:360 Comments

Been a quiet week, Still waiting for my 3v3 mini pro's and various other components :)

As soon as parts arrive i am going to tidy up the controller, I have a decided to add an NRF24L01 with external antenna to the controller. At least while i am waiting for the parts i can work on the code a bit.

Need to do.

*Possibly put the NRF24 and arduino to sleep in the PIR's, (Needs testing as i do not want there to be to much of a delay moving the cam.)


*Possibly have each PIR on it own channel. At the moment they share the same i have two PIR's which seem to be getting along will see what happens when new boards arrive.

*I need to spend a bit more time R&D existing external security PIRs, (Need to learn to direct the sensor help reduce false detections.)

*Been thinking of adding a solar panel to the PIR's to help with battery.

*Start to design a custom board, (First version will be 3v mini pro shield)
