So I managed to write a bash script that
- launches livestreamer in the background, which streams to ffmpeg, which writes images captured from the stream to disk
- scans for those files and finds the newest one to compare with a reference image
- deletes old images
- kills the background livestreamer when it exits (this was hard-ish because of my low google-fu)
Here it is:
trap 'jobs -p | xargs --no-run-if-empty kill' EXIT
livestreamer --player "ffmpeg -i" --player-args "{filename} -vf fps=0.1 out%04d.png" worst &
while true; do
# find newest file and compare
FILE=$(ls -t out*.png | head -n 1)
{ output=$(compare -metric MSE -fuzz 20% $FILE references/novideo.png tmp.jpg 2>&1 1>&3-) ;} 3>&1
# extract and compare, output binary value indicating if HDEV stream is available or not
value=$(echo $output | cut -d "(" -f2 | cut -d ")" -f1)
echo $value'>'$threshold | bc -l
# remove old files
(ls -t out*.png | head -n 2;ls out*.png)|sort|uniq -u | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm
# check if livestreamer is still running and restart if required
# TBD ...
sleep 5
Some things are still missing:- if the livestreamer process dies for some reason, I don't have a way to detect that and restart it (yet)
- temporary images and the compare result image should be written to RAM, because I want this to run on a raspberry pi. Writing this many images to the SD card will wear it out sooner than later.
- I'd like to publish this as a mqtt topic, but available to the public
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