
3D Printed Cinema Camera

I took apart my Blackmagic Cinema Camera and re-build a 3D printed body for a more suited form factor.

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I'm not at all an expert in anything, except filmmaking. I'm a cinematographer that loves technology and tinkering with stuff. While working on this project I ran into several things that really caught my attention.

The camera is run by an FPGA chip, as shown in the picture. I have a ton of documents and chip description, Jtags, and pin connections to this entire board all gathers by the help of a friend in another part of the world who helped me. I would love to collaborate with more people to help hack this FPGA and give the camera new functions like higher Frame Rate, Use the Full Cmos Sensor to record, and that's about it. Let me know if you're interested in helping I can share some of my documents with you.

PCB Layout.png

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 2.12 MB - 09/15/2016 at 18:06


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