
Regenerative Braking

A new braking system developed that allows to use the kinetic energy which is lost in the form of heat when a vehicle slows down or stops.

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The whole idea revolves around providing assistance (light braking) to normal braking system alongside producing electricity. In order to ensure this, Neodymium magnets are attached to the boundary of the wheel. In addition to this, the brake pipe is bifurcated to one with larger diameter and the other with very small diameter. On the application of brakes, braking fluid will reach the pipe attached to the dynamo faster due to pipe's smaller cross section. This in turn will push forward the dynamo towards the moving magnets producing resistive action to the wheel due to a change of flux in the dynamo coil. Also, it induces a variable current in the dynamo which is measured and the electricity from it is stored in a battery via rectifier.
The second phase of this research is to incorporate this technology in an actual car and test the braking efficiency and energy produced.
  • 1 × Motor
  • 1 × Mini Alternator Converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy
  • 1 × Pulley
  • 1 × Tyre
  • 1 × LEDs Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components

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