
Connecting my 3D printer (and testing OPC UA)

A project log for DIY Home Automation

A DIY smart home system the SCADA way...

stefanschnitzerstefan.schnitzer 04/14/2020 at 14:180 Comments

Since I have connected my octoprint to my Nodered via MQTT a while ago, I wanted to do something with the data.

Smarthome page for printer controls.: 

Screenshot of smarthome page.

But i don't wanted to transmit all the Values via MQTT (the MQTT implementation in the PLC is a bit messy) to my Codesys RasPi PLC. So i decided to try the built-in OPC-UA Server.  

View of OPC Nodes with the free Unified Automation UaExpert:

View of OPC Nodes with the free Unified Automation UaExpert.

Now the Smarthome is able to tell when a print is finished and switch off the mains for the printer after the hotend is cooled down. 

Part of  SFC for the printer controls.:

Part of  SFC for the printer controls.
