
Hardware finished on to integration testing

A project log for OpenBLDC

BLDC shield for arduino and stand alone controller

nerdkingnerd.king 07/02/2014 at 02:160 Comments

So I think all of the hardware have been assembled.  I jumpered Vcc to 24V to power all of the drivers and don't connect Vcc to the arduino any more because 5V is not needed. I also could not find any small 1206 caps so I soldered some through hole parts to the board.  I have the code just cycling through the commutation table(with  100 millisec delay) as kind of an open loop control with the usb reporting what state I am in.

I was going to testing it out but my power supply has no current control(24V at 20A) and I wanted to do it in a more controlled environment so I might give it a shot tomorrow at work with one of the variable power supply so that I won't toast all of the hard work that I have done in one shot.
