
Motor spinning

A project log for OpenBLDC

BLDC shield for arduino and stand alone controller

nerdkingnerd.king 08/21/2014 at 19:583 Comments

So I hooked the new motor up the controller and ran it with a 10 ms and 1 ms delays.  Since there are 6 commutation states, I think this correlates to 1000 and 10000 rpm respectively.  If any load is applied, the motor will stop spinning because the states are blinding running.  One issue came up, the motor is rated 24V @ 30 watts but it is pulling 6.5 amps.  I also noticed that the 24V rail was sagging to 12-19V.  With this much current, the motor was getting very warm so I didn't run it very long.

Here is a video of the new motor running at the above speeds.


Emile Thesnaar wrote 10/08/2014 at 14:19 point
Hi Neuro. Nice cape. Two notes that helped me and could help you:

Beware switching on both V+ and V- in one go. Even the slightest overlap caused
by on and off switching times internal to the FET will result in high current
draw. This doesn't go to the motor, but instead from your v+ rail through both
FETs and out you v- rail.

Second, you shouldn't run your FETs as switches, instead you should run them
with a 50% duty cycle and only turning on the FETs that are required by your
commutation status. For your V+ FETs throttle 0-100 % would be 50% to 99% duty
cycle for the FETs. For the V- FETs throttle 0-100% would be 50% - 1% duty
cycle. The idea is to not put 24 V over the terminals of the motor all the time,
instead depending on you duty cycle vary the voltage between 0-24V.

Basically, throttle translates to voltage over the terminals, not the duty cycle
of your commutation.

Feel free to contact me and I will try to type up a better explanation.

Edit 2014-10-8 16:20
Sorry, your post was featured on Hackaday today, hence the comment.

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nerd.king wrote 10/08/2014 at 16:05 point
Thanks for the comment. The drivers do not allow for both High and Low side of the same half-H bridge to be on at the same time so that should protect against programming mishaps.

In the current open loop control, I think I am just switching them on and off at each commutation stage, but that is just for testing the circuit. I think the back emf control algorithm uses PWM it might be similar to what you are describing.

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nerd.king wrote 08/22/2014 at 21:01 point
So I got in contact with the new motor company and found out that this motor despite being 30 watts will try to pull as much current as possible. I am working on a simple current limiting circuit that could be used to protect the motor.

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