Theory of operation:
When ignition is turned on, the 47uF cap is charged and +12v applied to gate. IGBT turns on providing path to ground for the coil.
When the ignition is turned off the gate voltage remains high and slowly discharges via the 2M resistor until it shuts off. Note: There is a small period of time while the IGBT is not saturated and it begins to dissipate power (i.e. It does not cleanly turn off and is in the linear region of the device) and the IGBT warms up slightly.
The diode reverse biased across the coil snubs the spike as the magnetic coil collapses. Not so important here as the coil does not suddenly switch off but always good to have.
Relay M91 on my 2016 Nissan ST (LHD) is located to the left and behind the glove box. To check if you have the right relay, remove and test if the windows have stopped working.