
"The Clock" Omnidirectional Treadmill

The treadmill we were waiting for.

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As easy as follow one of your feet and acts in opposite direction for the other one.
How? with sensors and motors of course, an array of sensor for each feet and a total of 6 servo for the smooth movement, just need some of magic code and tuning to have a nice and steady feedback .
A work in progress...

Hi, im an a little man from a little town in mexico, with a lot of crazy ideas and a wish to made them true, just needs some support and a nice commentary, we can make a good future :)

Background Photo by Tim Savage from Pexels

This idea came to me like 2 years ago, working giving maintenance to cnc's machines and developing plasma cutters it just felt right to start with the idea of developing something that can follows your feet and move your body in response. I need to develop a prototype and i hope i can do it before the Human Computer Interface Challenge starts. For now i have to upload some animations and maybe a list of components.



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  • Calculus

    andy8a04/22/2018 at 21:19 0 comments

    So we start with the calculus of the motors we need to move our beautiful bodies when we stand on one foot, mine is like 85kgs, so we will work with 90kg. An average max step distance is of 80cm, and then again we will work woth something greater, in this case 90cm.

    Wikipedia says: Many people tend to walk at about 1.4 m/s (5.0 km/h; 3.1 mph; 4.6 ft/s). Although many people are capable of walking at speeds upwards of 2.5 m/s (9.0 km/h; 5.6 mph; 8.2 ft/s). 0.4secs (1mt/2.5*1sec) in 1mt. For prototype purposes we will just walk at 0.55, run will be for version 2 or 3. 

    The fastest acceleration for our walk will be 2.5m/s^2.

    So taking the maximums, we need a system that can move 90kgs a distance of 0.9mt in less that 0.55secs.

    We need the hands to rotate at a speed of 0.8 revs per second at a max of 0.45mts from the center axe, enough to move a body.

    In rotational proportions, the hands wil just make half a revolution for each step. We will not take the torque we need from the center, instead i'll build a rack in the inner circunference and put a gear in the end of each hand.

    If we multiply the diamater of the system circunference per Pi (3.1416) we will get the circunference itself, and split in half the max distance that each hand will move is 1.42 mts.

    Now we need to move 90kgs a distance of 1.42mts in les than 0.55secs. The power in watts we will need is (90kgs)(2.4m/s^2)(1.42mts)=306.72/0.55=557.68 watts, for expected friction we will round it to 600 watts. Now we now how much power we need from the first set of servos.

  • Animations of the concept.

    andy8a04/22/2018 at 18:34 0 comments

    Here are some animations of how will work.

    And how to turn.

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twistedrealityarvr wrote 02/12/2019 at 08:25 point

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