Firs prototype did arrive from PCBWay and looks great so far.

The breadboard layout worked out as designed and only occupies 1 column on each side. The snapfit design (courtesy of an old SparkFun blog post I did read) for the headers seem to work very good as solder assistant but Gonzalo measured bad conductivity when not solder so might have to adapt it later and make the shift a little bigger). The Font has some small errors that need to be corrected for it to look nicer but for now we can conduct the first assembly by hand to test the functional parts of it. The sample from OSHPark is still on the way but it will be interesting to compare the print and pad quality of the two suppliers.
The NINA module is a tiny bit small and hand soldering it might be a bit challenging as I never did solder SMD parts so far and this entire build is my hello world in designing a board with EDA software from schematics to PCB layout and then go trough the process of actually manufacturing it as finished modules to be used in the MakeZurich hackathon which is coming up pretty soon.
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