The idea is simple: It will be a robot with a built in keyboard and display. You can stop the robot, extend the keyboard, edit its program and let it run the new one. The language will be interpreted at runtime, not compiled, so it will work fast. The language will be a slightly basic but still rather high level language. For those who want a challenge, the Brainf**k language will also be supported (outputting certain nonprintable characters will control the motors in Brainf**k mode)
This version will be much improved though. A dot matrix display, the keyboard being built in, better sensors and more modern programming language are just a few of the things planned.
The main components for the project have finally arrived! Not enough to build the actual finnished robot, but enough to start testing and writing the main software.
Software will of course be the focus here, as I'm writing a language interpreter and editor. I've more or less finished the math interpreter (solves math equations with the correct order of operations), though parenthesis is not working yet. I'll be using an ATMega1284p with Arduino IDE because I don't have enough time to write display controller libraries or learn new SD card access functions because of the competition deadlines.
I'm a huge fan of robots - and robots that you can program without having to chase after it toting a laptop will be a lot fun. Thanks for entering your project in The Hackaday prize! Try to upload more pictures, schematics and information as you progress. There's lots to do to be a contender for a seat on the rocket to space!