hmm the system has been running well for a number of weeks now.
Logging data happily and producing web pages and graphs - I added a 1.5w solar pannel to keep the battery topped up and that has been working well though a small miscalculation of the divider resistors for the battery voltage monitoring has a max vin of 13v.
But big issue yesterday afternoon I noticed the tank temperature dropped suddenly from around 90deg to 0. Given the system is still spitting out valid data for other sensors I suspect strongly the tank sensor which is submersed in water has failed - so much for a water proof sensor - I guess they aren't realy designed for continuous submersion in our rather nasty town water.
I'll replace the sensor in a day or two and maybe rework the voltage divider as well to increase the battery monitoring range. Might even add a over voltage cut off to protect the battery from over chargeing.
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thankfully I don't rely on the data :)
Post motem to follow later today and determine the actual fault.
Haveing the data handled by a sever and logged in a database takes it to new level producing graphs makes it very easy to visualise the data. I'll post the working python scripts later in the week
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Fail-safe provisions are always good. Do a quick FMEA (what can go wrong, and what will happen), or even an FMECA (... and how bad is it) or an FMEDA ( ... and how can I detect it). By the way, my solar heater is PIC16C84 powered since 2004. It has a serial interface for monitoring, and I really should make it accessible via MQTT.
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