The pads can individually apply pressure and cooling.

To manage the amount (and type) of pressure and temperature on each pad, they

have a control surface consisting of touch sensitive rubbery ribs.

You will be able to interact with the helmet relaying only on your sense of


Each pad is made of silicone. They have a cavity designed to distribute

pressure evenly to one size of the pad. This cavity will be connected to a

mechanical pump that controls the amount of gel pushed into the pad.

The pump can apply constant pressure, but also generate pulsating movement for

a massaging effect.

For the design of this system a good starting point are the resources provided by the

Hardvard Biodesign Lab's Soft Robotics Kit (

The next layer closer to the skull will embed a net of tubing for transporting

coolant and regulate the temperature. Cooling is a big relief agent

for my type of migraine.

A thermoelectric system with a small pump will do the job.

Comfort is one of the biggest design consideration. So, a lot of iterations and

tests will be spent on the overall fit of the helmet and how if perform in all

sort of laying/sleeping positions and with different pillow types.

Integrating the tube and connector from the helmet to the floor unit will be a mayor

challenge needed to be addressed as early in the design process as possible.

Noise and vibrations from the floor unit need special attention as Migraines

tend to create a state of hypersensitivity.

This could be nice collab project as it requires a diverse set of skills:

fabrics, wearables, casting, electronics, mechanics, hydraulics, design and

usability. It's somewhere in the middle of my priority list but as soon as

I have the slightest headache it jumps straight to the first spot.