
2) Electronics

A project log for Scribing Robot

Writing on a whiteboard with stepper motors

f4hdkf4hdk 04/22/2018 at 13:220 Comments

The electronic part of this project is quite simple.

The board I use is wire-wrapped, but you can use another solution.

Wiring Diagram


The stepper motor controllers are quite powerful. For just a few dollars, you can have lots of features inside : bi-polar motor compatible, with H-bridge inside, without the need of freewheeling diodes, and optimised for thermal dissipation, with current regulation, and last but not least micro-steps. This greatly reduces the amount of code and the amount of electronic components, compared to stepper motor controllers which were available in the 90s.  

The robot is powered with 24V, even if the motors are 12V. We can do it because the stepper motor controllers regulate the current they inject inside the motors. Higher voltage is necessary if you want to use stepper motors at quite high speeds.


Rich text editor