
Hello World! - Simple Seat, Better Lives

A project log for Simple Seat, Better Lives

Creating independence and empowering those of the developing world through simple and effective solutions.

harryharry 09/28/2016 at 18:410 Comments

Simple Seat team checking in! We heard about the Assistive Devices challenge yesterday, so we took a break from prototyping to introduce our team leader, Mei-Li Hey.

Mei-Li Hey is a West Chicago native who is passionate about humanitarian work that extends beyond borders. Outside of her Mechanical Engineering classes at the University of San Diego, she spends her time organizing house building trips in Tijuana, rock climbing (indoors and outdoors!), and surfing. She traveled to the Dominican Republic in January of 2015 to build fuel-efficient stoves, to combat deforestation and local respiratory issues, and water-filtration systems in the town of El Cercado. In January of 2016, she took the Simple Seat, Better Lives team to Uganda to introduce and receive user feedback from potential users in Lira.

Our next log will have details about our prototypes, stay tuned!!
