
VizLens::Wearable Cameras

A project log for VizLens: A Screen Reader for the Real World

VizLens uses crowdsourcing and computer vision to robustly and interactively help blind people use inaccessible interfaces in the real world

anhong-guoAnhong Guo 09/29/2016 at 04:450 Comments

56.7% of the images took by the blind participants for crowd evaluation failed the quality qualifications, which suggests there is a strong need to assist blind people in taking photos. In our user evaluation, several participants also expressed their frustration with aiming and especially keeping good framing of the camera. Wearable cameras such as the Google Glass have the advantage of leaving the user's hand free, easier to keep image framing stable, and naturally indicating the field of interest. We have ported the VizLens mobile app to Google Glass platform, and pilot tested with several participants. Our initial results show that participants were generally able to take better framed photos with the head-mounted camera, suggesting that wearable cameras may address some of the aiming challenges.
