VizLens consists of three components: (i) mobile application, (ii) web server, and (iii) computer vision server.
Mobile App
The iOS VizLens app allows users to add new interfaces (take a picture of the interface and name it), select a previously added interface to get interactive feedback, and select an element on a previously added interface to be guided to its location. The VizLens app was designed to work well with the VoiceOver screen reader on iOS.
Web Server
The PHP and Python web server handles image uploads, assigns tasks to Amazon Mechanical Turk workers for segmenting and labeling, hosts the worker interface, manages results in a database and responds to requests from the mobile app. The worker interfaces are implemented using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Computer Vision Server
The computer vision pipeline is implemented using C++ and the OpenCV Library. The computer vision server connects to the database to fetch the latest image, process it, and write results back to the database. Running real-time computer vision is computationally expensive. To reduce delay, VizLens uses OpenCV with CUDA running on GPU for object localization. Both the computer vision server and the web server are hosted on an Amazon Web Services EC2 g2.2xlarge instance, with a high-performance NVIDIA GRID K520 GPU, including 1,536 CUDA cores and 4GB of video memory.
Overall Performance
Making VizLens interactive requires processing images at interactive speed. In the initial setup, VizLens image processing was run on a laptop with 3GHz i7 CPU, which could process 1280x720 resolution video at only 0.5 fps. Receiving feedback only once every 2 seconds was too slow, thus we moved processing to a remote AWS EC2 GPU instance, which achieves 10 fps for image processing. Even with network latency (on wifi) and the phone's image acquisition and uploading speed, VizLens still runs at approximately 8fps with 200ms latency.
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