
Wristband App

A project log for WearHealth 1.0

A wristband able to do a full-time control of the heart rate and body temperature, log data and send alerts if any abnormality is detected

gabriel-coutinhoGabriel Coutinho 10/03/2016 at 01:410 Comments

Our project also includes an app for Android/iOS. It was build on Android Studio and Visual Studio (using Xamarin). We used java and C#.

The Wristband app is responsible for taking data from our server (actually, server sends data to app), and, alert family by sending a push notification, I will talk about it.

App sends an alert in case of:

1. Huge variation on heartbeats.

2. When temperature is too high for human's wrist.

3. If wristband's user falls.

4. Batery is dead.


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