
Simplify Embedded hardware designs

Designing hardware is difficult. We Have a hardware platform that generates schematic and layout design files in a typical 10 minutes time.

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We are developing a hardware platform that aims to simplify the process of embedded hardware design. The solution should capture user requirements and generate schematic and layout designs as intelligently as possible. The solution can help save a lot of time by helping you search for components, selecting micro-controller pins to connect, Different component configurations, clock selection, power supply design, Intelligent component placement in the smallest board area, layer selection and layout generation. The current Library contains 950+ controllers with complete family of STM microcontrollers, esp32 module, Atmel ATsame70, NXO imx6, and 7 series and several more. The solution creates designs in typical 10 minute time. The designs generated can be customized as per your requirements. For more details visit

  • 1 × Complete Library Most of the type of embedded components are found on circuit tree

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