
Code jam #1

A project log for NSA Away

Increase your privacy and security by exchanging short messages securely. Created by members of hackerspace Sector67.

scott-hasseScott Hasse 06/24/2014 at 23:390 Comments

Code jam #1 is complete, with Bob talking through the hardware specs and showing his initial board layout like the boss he is.  With Chris's expert guidance we finalized the project name and made our Hackaday Prize entry official.  Nate got up to speed with the project and started an Android development environment.  Peter and Scott worked into the early morning to get the initial cut of code into projects on github:

and Peter checked out and built the projects, including tess-two via the Android ndk, to get basic Android junit tests of Tesseract OCR working on a physical device for the first time for this project.  There are still some issues with missing Android projects for backwards compatibility that we may simplify by not including, so ocr-test-app will not work until we get that re-work committed.  Hopefully that will be soon.  A getting started guide is under development, so expect that soon as well.
