In Christiania (freetown in Denmark) we have an off-grid heating infrastructure running with wooden pellet stoves. To send out bills we need to be able to read the meters installed at all households in a fast and easy manner.
Before we used pen and paper and sampled only once a year but now every household can sample their meter and report back to the central with fresh and more frequent samples.
We can also use the MeterLogger to sample gas combustion in the stoves using IR between the dongle and the Testo Gas Probe.
The meterLogger will have a great impact in the daily lives of our sub 1000 citizens!
MeterLogger is:
Meterlogger is composed of a dongle and an app running on a iphone.
The connection between the two is standard stereo/mic audio cable and the dongle runs leaches power through the same connection.
The dongle takes care of translation between audio and IR but the business logic is embedded in the app running on the phone.
The app takes care of checksumming if the chosen meter supports it.

Currently supported devices/meters/sensors:
Tested and working:
Kamstrup Multical 601
Kamstrup Multical 3
Kamstrup Multical
Testo Gas Probe 310
The project is licensed under GPL and uses the New BSD License licensed Arms22 softmodem library for audio communication.
For more info on arms22 see:
Be sure to add some updates if you add more meters!