
Recording the sounds

A project log for Escape Game : Crash plane in the 8th continent !

It's an escape game about the pollution of the water

killianKillian 06/09/2018 at 14:260 Comments

Usually in an escape game, you have sound environment to create an ambience. So we decided to create our own sounds and recordings to make sure that people who are playing the escape game are really immerged in the game.

In first, we searched all the samples we needed, like the plane crash or ocean sound. When we had all the samples, we imagined then how we could create the sounds.

For example, when the plane crash, we thought about people screaming for their life. So we screamed like those people. Then we put together the recordings and the samples, we mix it up in order to have a clean rendering.

During the recordings, we thought that the sounds shoulb be funny because the escape game is for kids, so instead of doing something very realistic, we exaggerate the sounds effects to make them more hilarious.
