Last week, we unplugged the wires who were connected to the Arduino card and to the hover chair.
This Arduino card was coding to allow the motor of th HoverChair to move in response of the joystick but unfortunately it doesn’t work, because of the complications , and the motor.
So we solved directly the ESC on the motor of the HoverBoard. Since it this a 3 phased motor, we didn't need to think about wich of the 3 wires of the esc goes on wich wire of the motor.
The ESC has 3 differrent types of wire : 3 for the signal , but we will use only to of them, 3 for the motor that we solved last week, and 2 for power.

Nicolas started repairing the chair by sawing some parts of this chair made out of tube, mesuring the height of the hoverboard to fix the wheels

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