DE10-Standard SOC FPGA dev kit.
The first thing I did with the DE10 SOC was get a feel for the FPGA side.
The FPGA has access to 64 MBs of SDRAM.
553 M10K blocks
10 LEDS + 6 segments
10 switches, 4 buttons.
Audio and video decoder.
24 bit VGA
PS2 for keyboard and mouse.
And plenty of I/O.
Next, I got Linux running on the HPS side.
Boot times were a few seconds.
Compiling with GCC worked right away.
I had one green LED to play with, a 128x64 LCD to display some text/graphics,
and a accelerometer.
CURL worked as expected, that covered most of my Ethernet needs.
Next was creating FPGA peripherals for the HPS side.
I was able to control the 10 red LEDs and the 6 segmented LEDs, and do
some VGA stuff pretty easily.
The only draw back was that the synthesis time takes 10 minutes, so I'm more
motivated to use simulation with this board.
Generating a bare metal kernel.
The Intel FPGA Monitor Program doesn't provide files for the DE-10 SOC,
but I found what I needed under the Demonstration directory on the DE10 System CD.
In the Monitor Program wizard under system settings, pick the "Custom System" option.
and select the .sopcinfo and the .sof files.
The rest of the setup should be the same as the one Altera provided.
For my project I went the assembly route. This program blinks the green HPS LED.
.include "address_map_arm.s" .text .global _start _start: BL GPIO_SETUP LOOP: LDR R0,=0x08000000 LOOP_1: SUB R0,R0,#0x01 CMP R0,#0x00 BNE LOOP_1 BL LED_G_ON LDR R0,=0x08000000 LOOP_2: SUB R0,R0,#0x01 CMP R0,#0x00 BNE LOOP_2 BL LED_G_OFF B LOOP .POOL GPIO_SETUP: STMFD SP!,{R0-R3,LR} LDR R0,=0xFF709000 LDR R1,=0x00000000 STR R1,[R0] LDR R0,=0xFF709004 LDR R1,=0x01000000 STR R1,[R0] LDMFD SP!,{R0-R3,PC} .POOL LED_G_ON: STMFD SP!,{R0-R3,LR} LDR R0,=0xFF709000 LDR R2,=0x01000000 LDR R1,[R0] ORR R1,R1,R2 STR R1,[R0] LDMFD SP!,{R0-R3,PC} .POOL LED_G_OFF: STMFD SP!,{R0-R3,LR} LDR R0,=0xFF709000 LDR R2,=0x01000000 LDR R1,[R0] BIC R1,R1,R2 STR R1,[R0] LDMFD SP!,{R0-R3,PC} .POOL
The LCD back light can be toggled with this code:
GPIO_SETUP: STMFD SP!,{R0-R3,LR} LDR R0,=0xFF709000 LDR R1,=0x00000000 STR R1,[R0] LDR R0,=0xFF709004 LDR R1,=0x01000100 STR R1,[R0] LDMFD SP!,{R0-R3,PC} TURN_ON_LCD_LED: STMFD SP!,{R0-R3,LR} LDR R0,=0xFF709000 LDR R2,=0x01000000 LDR R1,[R0] ORR R1,R1,R2 STR R1,[R0] LDMFD SP!,{R0-R3,PC}
To wake up CPU core 1, use this code:
LDR R0,=0x00000002 // CPU1 Reset LDR R1,=0xFFD05010 STR R0,[R1] LDR R0,=0x00000000 // CPU1 Address LDR R1,=0xFFD080C4 STR R0,[R1] DMB ISHST //Write MB LDR R0,=0x00000000 // CPU1 Release LDR R1,=0xFFD05010 STR R0,[R1]
Now that both CPU cores are active, we can use the
affinity register to have different CPU threads
MRC p15,0,r0,c0,c0,5 MOV R1,#0x03 AND R0,R0,R1 CMP R0,#0x00 BEQ CPU_0 CMP R0,#0x01 BEQ CPU_1
And for a good speed up, cache and branch prediction can be activated.
Both CPUs need to run this.
MRC p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0 ORR r0,#0x0004 // Data Cache ORR r0,#0x0800 // Branch Prediction ORR r0,#0x1000 // Instruction Cache MCR p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0