
Nokia arduino phone

There have been many arduino phones out there but almost none that would be useable daily. this project uses a 3310 as a shell for daily use

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This uses a arduino GSM 1400 module and a custom pcb board to turn a old 3310 Nokia phone into a custom phone. Most arduino phones I see are unable to be used daily, my goal is to be able to use this as a daily phone. I am currently going to college so progress will be slow. My programing is messy but works, let me know if you want to join the project.If anyone wants a board email me at


V1.0 gerber files for the board

RAR Archive - 322.80 kB - 05/29/2018 at 07:35


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owen.ormerod wrote 06/28/2019 at 13:04 point

Making anymore progress on this phone?

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