
Development Branch on GitHub

A project log for Dexter

An open-source, 3D printed, high precision robotic arm with trainability

haddington-dynamicsHaddington Dynamics 10/20/2018 at 02:570 Comments

There is a branch on our GitHub repository called TDInt. It is the development branch for testing new things out in Dexter's firmware. One of the recent updates adds functionality for a new file type we call .make_ins. The new type allows for a list of instructions to be run from a single file. Dexter's "boot up dance" is now part of the autoexec.make_ins file instead of in DexRun.c. This allows anyone who wants to change what their Dexter does on boot up to do so without recompiling the DexRun software. This also makes it possible for to Dexter run tasks without the need of an external computer. Check it out here to learn more
