I decided to try to put the WMM automatic magnetic declination algorithm in the unit, and the STM32F0 was too wimpy to handle it. That being the case, I've moved it over to the STM32F746ZG to ensure that I've got enough oomph. Once I've got it done I'll see about optimizing it for something a little smaller and cheaper. I also swapped out the IMU for the BNO055 so I don't need to worry about integrating the accelerometer and the magnetometer anymore. I'm working solely with the STM32 HAL at this point, and the repository has been moved to Framagit from GitHub.
Currently the SSD1306 display and the BNO055 are working to full functionality. GPS code is next on the list, but my school break is coming to an end and I'm not too sure when I'll be able to get to that and the SD card stuff.
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