

A project log for LIL TTS BOT module

LIL TTS BOT module is designed for students who are beginners in the field of robotics. It will help them to build their own little bots.

hamza-khalidHamza Khalid 06/03/2018 at 17:530 Comments

The greatest challenge while designing the module was the selection of its parts (hardware) as the project is designed to be used by students who are beginners in the field of robotics so it was necessary to use simple parts or components that can be easily understood and modified by them.

Keeping that in mind, I used Arduino and ESP8266 that are widely used across the world. L298N is used that is also a very simple motor driver. Arduino and ESP8266 are preprogrammed in the module. Python software is also made with the module that can be installed on any tablet pc which works as the robot's brain (No need of ROS). A simple web control page is also made with the module to control robot's motion and typing text.
