So, here's the application of LIL TTS BOT MODULE.
Hazel is a little robot which is made using LIL TTS BOT module. This robot is a school worker makes important announcements classrooms by following a black line path using IR sensors. Hazel uses LIL TTS module's control page. Teachers can have an access to hazel's control page by typing its IP address on a web browser. On the robot's web page teachers can type a text to be announced. The text is then stored in Hazel's database. Robot then receives a signal to move through WiFi whenever 'Turn On' button is clicked on her control page. Hazel starts moving, reaches classroom and makes an announcement by converting the text to speech that has been stored in the database earlier, and then she comes back by following line. Hazel can understand python (Program in tablet) and C++ (Program in module). On server side php, SQL, bootstrap, HTML and CSS are used (Code of control page). Hazel is the future of announcements.
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