In considering a Cherishable's embodiment we started a few thoughts and questions to guide the process:
1. Digital creatures will be exchangeable, meaning you can "send the soul" either in or out of the device.
2. Because different unique creatures are to inhabit one device at a time we want to arrive at a general form that is not too specific to one kind of digital creature.
3. For the volume and shape we begin with a tear drop and a few silhouette.
4. The size, can you hold it with two hands or just one? is it meant to be taken with you? perhaps in you pocket or backpack.

5. The aesthetics, looking to the past a cabbage patch kid come to mind as a reference point. They are the original one-of-kind collectable toys, each one begining born different. In comparison the creation of a CryptoKittie is also the first of is kind, a unique one-of-kind digital collectable.

The cabbage patch kid heads has an interesting shape and volume to it.

We took a few Crypto kitties head silhouette as another interest point.
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