Every human voice has a specific tone. And not all human has similar voice tone. Especially, male voice tone is vastly different from the female voice tone.
And computer module, VoicePot developed as part of the project would stand as an additional feature to be installed to any existing system to make the robot resemble the voice tone of any human.
How extensively VoicePot could be utilized?
1. VoicePot, can be trained to reflect any human voice who can train the module with the input voice samples.
2. VoicePot, thus trained can be further developed to sing a song digitally with every human voice tone.
3. VoicePot, can be also serve to mimic any particular person's voice tone.
4. VoicePot, could also be integrated to Voice Assistant software's like Alexa to make them respond with the person owning the device, as one such example.