it’s funny how much work I can get done in 1 day. Lately I’ve been busy but today 7/28/18 I actually sat down and decided I wanted a running car. I started doing all the new designs and started printed everything because

I really wanted run this car. To my surprise I did it by 7 pm. I was so excited I went to the nearest parking lot and ran the car like crazy. I was so amazed by the new steering linkage I designed compared to 2017’th car. This car felt more responsive, the handling was great. The rear wheels are are to far out but that’s because I currently don’t have access to a machine shop to make a new rear axle. I think with the wheel being placed where they would be would improve the car’s handling, I hope. Either way I started to think this car is now fine and ready for crash testing, now most of you will think you’re crazy. Well yeah but hear me out, by experience I expect some points of failure and have an idea of how the car would break if it crashed. But, I don’t really know so I started hitting some walls and the sidewalks. To my surprise the car actually withstood a good amount of impacts. Obviously the front wing was the first to break but the car kept running. It was until I went full throttle on a sidewalk where a wheel popped out. Funny thing is it still drove good enough like if there wasn’t a wheel missing. XD . I’m rwallt impressed by the amount of impact this car has been through, in going to improve some of the design to help it withstand even more load. I’ll leave a picture of the damage from the car.
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