
Preparation for SuperCon!

A project log for SHE BON

! a platform for sensing and indicating human arousal !

sarah-petkusSarah Petkus 10/28/2018 at 01:090 Comments

My pilgrimage to Pasadena for superCon is now synonymous with the beginning of Fall. I start enjoying the crisp chill in the air at night, eat a lot of sweet candy, have a couple weeks where I'm busier than sense... and then, BAM! I'm in the car with a bountiful harvest of whatever nonsense I've been concocting to show to my friends and fellow hackers.

It's my favorite *con* or *festival* or *gathering*- I enjoy being with my people, and seeing all the inspiring work that's been unfolding in the now.

This hacker harvest fest (I'm going to call it that) is fun, but it also brings a fair amount of stress in the week or so leading up to it. That's where I find myself right now.

My intention is to bring the whole SHE BON project along with me to demo and share during the three days of festivities. I won't be wearing all the augments at once- but I will wear them all at some point throughout the con, so this means they all need to be *wearable* and mobile, - they must all have power supplied to them! somehow.

My biggest hurdle this weekend is wrapping up some obvious (potentially critical) odds and ends. primarily, how my 3D printed assemblies will in fact mount to the fleshy surface of my body - amazingly, I didn't think this far for some items, like the salmon "panties". (this also comes with decisions about what I'm going to wear underneath them).


Any how. The layout of the SHE BON main site has been updated again to reflect all the new additions to the suit. 

Enjoy the concept art and stuff! I'll see you at superCon!! <3 


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