
Papercraft Prototyping

A project log for HaRoCo @ The DesignLab

Emotive Support Robots

christineChristine 08/13/2018 at 19:170 Comments

The occasional problem with organic shapes is that they take hours to print. and I mean HOURS. Which is a problem if you're trying to test out a lot of sizes and shapes and variations.

My current solution? Papercraft prototyping.

I go from Fusion360 to Pepakura, and then I throw the SVG into the Glowforge. Cutting on foamboard is easy, as long as you've got a super great ventilation system.

Plus, there's nothing more satisfying than that Kit Kat Bar feeling of breaking the score lines and folding the skull.

I also love marking the skulls up afterwards with notes for small alterations.

I feel like a plastic surgeon. Foamboard surgeon? You get it.

Anyway, this makes the prototyping cycle way faster. Later I'll either smooth out all the hard edges or sculpt a new form in Fusion over the flat-faced skull shape, and I'll be good to go!
