The case of the keyboard is a fairly complex shape. The top of the keyboard has machining on 3 sides and has lots of cutouts requiring a very small radius cutter to be used. The setups are pretty straight forward though. A vice can be used for 2 of the operations and a simple fixture with screw holes can be used for the last.
The bottom of the case is a think flat sheet. The most convenient way to machine it is with a vacuum fixture. This requires more machining to make than the part itself. This goes for both the bottom of the case and the acrylic piece. They are different fixtures, but very similar.

The CNC shop used 5 CNC machines to do the production of the cases. I had one made first to verify dimensions, not anodized, then 10 made in the production run. I had 5 finished in silver and 5 finished in black. The finish is similar to that of the iPad. It's not identical but it's very close.

It's not so easy to find a shop that's willing to do a production run of 10 pieces. It's costly but more importantly is ties up 5 machines for a number of days and they are only used for 1 or 2 days of production. This translates into a high cost for each piece. If I made 1000 pieces, I would have saved 66% of the cost on each piece. So I paid 3 times the mass production cost for the cases. You can think of it as amortizing the tooling and setup charges over 10 pieces instead of 1000. That being said, I'm not unhappy with the cost, but if this product was available for purchase, it would not be cost effective to machine your own. Just buy one. That however was not the point of this endeavor.

Here are the parts after surface finishing.
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The parts arrived back from surface finishing 06/08/18. I just finished the last PCB yesterday. Later today I'll assemble all the keyboards.
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