
ESP32 Hexed Game

ESP32 Hexed Game

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Handheld hex conversion game inspired by Ben Heck's hex game. Featuring an ESP32 Feather, OLED, two rotary encoders, 8-bit audio and an 18650 lipo. Housed in a 3d printed case.

I have been experimenting with Arduino's for a long time but I never managed to finish a stand-alone project. I chose to make a hex game as I really liked the concept and would like to be able to convert between number systems quickly in my head. I wanted it to be compact and battery powered. I also wanted to convert between hex, decimal and binary in all directions.

I started with an Arduino nano and a smaller 128x32 OLED. The binary input was made with 8 tactile switches. I tried using a pot to do the hex input, it worked but I was never really happy with it. I had a simple piezo speaker that beeped when you got the correct answer.

I had been wanting to try using an ESP32 and found a feather clone with built in battery charging, I thought this would be a good fit for this project.

hexed schematic3.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 49.25 kB - 08/02/2018 at 06:41


ESP32 Hexed Game BOM.xlsx

sheet - 4.50 kB - 08/02/2018 at 06:41


  • 1 × ESP32 Feather Clone
  • 1 × 1.3" SSD1306 OLED
  • 1 × 1200mAh 18650 lipo cell

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