Blinky Ball with TwinkleTwinkie's SAO 6
Survived another Defcon!
This year we brought along the Blinky Ball, for a little show and tell.
While there, we installed the WiNX (Wi-Fi attack-defense) suite of tools on the ball (https://www.hackerarsenal.com/products/winx)
We got a couple nibbles on the Deception setting, but we hope that was just people fooling around and not actually trying to connect to unknown random access point at Defcon.
No one will probably ever install an Wifi scanner/sniffer, honey pot or a custom captive portal on their Blinky Ball. But I am happy to report that if you want to, you can.
We have also come up with an answer to, "What is that?"
The answer we most often gave was, "It is something that sits on a desk or shelf and gives off light.... It's a lamp."
- It's lamp that has 384 RGB light elements all individually addressable.
- It's a lamp that has a 9 DoF IMU so it knows which way it is pointing, how fast it is accelerating and which direction is North.
- It's a lamp that has a temperature sensor.
- It's a lamp that has a gesture sensor so it knows which way you are flailing your hands.
- It's a lamp that has a light senor so it can auto adjust brightness.
- It's a lamp that has a color sensor so it knows the ambient color (you can also bounce back the Blinky Ball color to it self, to self calibrate.)
- It's a lamp with a digital mic so it can react to sounds.
- It's a lamp with a 32-bit DAC (and headphone jack) so you can stream music.
- It's a lamp with a voice assistant (you need to supply a speaker and an Amazon account).
- It's a lamp that has Wifi and Bluetooth so when you don't want to wave your hands at it you can use your phone or computer to control it.
- It's a lamp that has a 4000mAh rechargeable lithium cell so it can do all of the above when it is away from its desk or shelf.
In short, it is what happens when hackers design a lamp.
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