Some time ago I was lucky to obtain several measurement daq PCI cards.
With my card, I'm able to acquire data from 8 channels simultaneously at 200kHz sample rate. Those sold at several hundred € which is quite cheap. If you're curious about the the card, this is the company's homepage with more details.
One reason I chose this model is that it's supported by the open source driver comedi and I'm using Linux on my computer.
I've been working with devices like these cards for a long time, but not for my personal projects, especially high-end cards sell for several k€s which is all right when working on a project for a big company but not if it's your personal budget.
In my last project log I mentioned the red box. It will act as an adapter between my sensors and my daq card.
For safety reasons I added ESD protection inside the red box. This is just an 1kΩ resistor followed by two diodes per channel.
To trigger the ultrasonic burst a push button is connected to the HC-SR04s trigger lines.
Finally an external power supply delivers 5V to all four boards.
Right now as I'm writing this, I did not take any photos, but will add them later.
Now the next step is writing software to read out data from my daq card and analyse the waveforms.
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