

A project log for Harvester - Building the Energy Forest

An Open Source project to build cheap linear generators to harvest the wind energy which moves trees in a forest (or waves in the sea)

tobiwanTobiwan 07/11/2018 at 08:300 Comments

Today I made some sketches brainstorming different configurations and technical solutions:

The main technical challenge is to use the motion of the tree, which is most of the time very powerful, but also very slow and with low amplitude. Therefore a mechanism has to be found, which can convert this motion into electricity.

  1. The most likely solution, a connection between two trees where a rack and pineon transform the linear movement into a rotational one, which then through some gear drive powers a generator.
  2. There is a central post between several trees, where some weights or springs pull at ropes which are connected to the trees. The ropes have a chain element which drives a gear which then drives the generator.
  3. There are two chambers mouted to the tree. When the tree bends, one chamber is compressed, the other is stretched. The compressed chamber pushes a liquid through a one-way valve into a central high pressure tank from which the fluid goes through a turbine into a low pressure tank. When the tree bends to the other side, the compressed chamber streches and gets new fluid through a one-way valve and a seperate connection from the low pressure tank. The previously stretched chamber gets compressed at the same time and the cycle continues.
  4. Same as the principle above, but instead of a compressable chamber there is a piston which generates the pressure (also two one-way walves and to connections to the high and low pressure tank).
  5. This is just another configuration, it would work with a linear generator as in Type 1 or with a piston as in Type 4. The difference to all other concept is, that it uses a connection not between two trees, but between the tree and ground.
